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Privacy Policy


The company "EFTYCHIADOU IOANNA & SIA Ε.Ε" (from now the commpany) respects your privacy and complies with the current legislation on the Protection of Personal Data.

Our company processes personal data from users who visit and use our website. By collecting this information, we are acting as a data controller and are required by law to provide you with information about us, why and how we use your data, and the rights you have over it.

We invite you to read this carefully, in order to be sufficiently informed about the type of data we process.


Our company operates in the field of tourism businesses. Our many years of experience and highly trained staff give us the opportunity and pleasure to serve you in the best possible way, taking into account your needs and requirements. recommends our online website, which we created respecting our customers and following the evolution of technology to make your shopping even easier and to keep you informed based on your wishes.

"EFTYCHIADOU IOANNA & SIA Ε.Ε", 84, Dimitrakopoulou street, GR 176 72, Kallithea, Greece, Phone: +30 210 956 8274.

You can contact by sending a message to [email protected]

The administrator of the website is the company e-milles creations. The design, construction and hosting of the website is provided by the company e-milles creations, which is based in Greece and has privately owned Servers in Date Centers located in Athens, Patras, Frankfurt, Dublin, California, New Jersey, Chicago & Dallas, which are used according to the needs of its customers.

"e-milles creations", 9, Methanon street, GR 185 41 Piraeus, Greece, Phone: +30 210 420 8830.

You can contact by sending a message to [email protected]


According to the EU General Data Protection Regulation, personal data is defined as:

"any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject). An identifiable person is one who can be identified directly or indirectly by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or one or more factors relating to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of the natural person in question".

Our website is not designed for and is not intended for minors. Therefore, we do not collect or wish to process data concerning children. If you are aware of any provision of data concerning minors please inform us immediately.


When you browse our website, we automatically collect and process certain information with the use of cookies, i.e. information that allows us to participate in the services offered by the company and to provide a better browsing experience. This information includes information about how you used the website, your IP address, access times, hardware and software information, and information about the device you used. We also collect data about your interests, characteristics, location, and projects you like. We use this information to personalize your experience in our online marketplace. For more information about cookies, please refer to our website's cookie policy.

Finally, we collect the data that you provide yourself when registering on the website or when filling in the relevant contact form or requests that you submit to us for your service, including your name and contact information (e.g. subscription to the newsletter service from which you can unsubscribe at any time, either by sending us an email or via the unsubscribe link in the email.)


The company will not ask you to provide special categories of personal data such as data revealing your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, or data related to with your health, or sexual orientation, through the Website. However, some areas of the Site include free text fields (eg the contact form). These fields may allow you to disclose special categories of personal data to the company. We ask that you do not do so unless you consider it absolutely necessary for the purposes of your communication with us. In this case, our company asks you to give your express consent to the processing of any special categories of Personal Data that you wish to disclose to us.

The company processes special categories of Personal Data that you submit when this express consent is provided or when some other legal basis for processing can be invoked and, in any case, only if this is deemed sufficient, relevant and necessary in the context Msi the purposes of the processing provided for in this announcement.


As mentioned in the previous section, some areas of the Website include free text fields which allow you to share (accidentally or not) Personal Data relating to other persons with our company.

Whenever you decide to share Personal Data about other individuals with us, you will be considered a data controller of that data. This means that you are solely responsible for this decision and therefore, may be held responsible for any complaints, claims or requests for damages that may be made against the company, when this Personal Data has been unlawfully disclosed to us.

Therefore, in these cases, you must ensure that you are able to disclose and share this Personal Data with our company lawfully, in accordance with applicable law (e.g. because the third parties have consented);


With this privacy policy, our company declares that we will collect and process your personal data in order to provide and improve services to you, respond to requests you submit to us, communicate in general, and fulfill the purposes provided for by law operation and activity of the company.

We are lawful to process your data for various reasons. The main reason is that we need to process them to perform the contract you enter into with us when you receive any of our services or features, however, there are other reasons that allow us to use them, including but not limited to our interest in answering your questions or the consent you give us to send you our newsletter.

The company will process (collect, store, and use) the information you provide in a manner compatible with the legislative framework of Personal Data Protection. We will try to keep your information accurate and up to date and not keep it for longer than necessary. How long certain types of personal data must be retained may also be governed by specific legal requirements and agreed practices.


The company takes the security of your data very seriously. That's why we have security procedures, policies, and technical restrictions to protect your data from unauthorized access, destruction, or modification. In addition to security measures on our part, such as encrypting your data, we recommend that you choose your password carefully and ensure that you keep your login details private.


The Company may transmit your personal data to Public and/or Independent Authorities, Agencies Services and/or partners natural and/or legal persons service providers-counterparts of the company for the purpose of its legal operation, safeguarding its legitimate interests and your orders and subject to the conditions of the law, it will not transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU or to third parties that do not meet the required security measures, without first having received your consent.

We may also use services from third-party service providers. As part of their services, they may need to process your personal data. For example, service providers may provide payment, advertising, customer service, or sales services to us. Or they may support us in sending emails, analyzing feedback, or security. These service providers have a duty of confidentiality, may use only the specific data necessary to provide services to us, and may use such data only as directed by us.

The third parties with whom we share your data may be based outside the European Union or use servers located outside the EU. Data protection could be inferior in these countries, compared to that within the EU. This is why, if necessary, when we share data with third parties or servers outside the EU, we make sure that there is a legal basis for the transfers and that your data is protected in accordance with applicable law.


We use social media in a number of ways to create a friendly environment for the user and to communicate.

You can reach us through your Social Media Account (eg Facebook, Messenger, etc.). However, you should remember that we do not use this chat as our official channel for handling questions or complaints. However, we endeavor to respond to your messages in a timely manner and provide you with further information or assistance if necessary. The privacy policy of the relevant social media provider applies when you use their services.

On some pages, we may have integrated social media plugins (eg Facebook and Instagram). This means that when you click on one of the plugin buttons, some information is shared with the relevant social media provider. Third parties may be able to place cookies through these plugins. For more information on how to enable and disable these cookies, see the Cookies Policy.


At any time while we are in possession of or processing your personal data, you, the data subject, have the following rights:

  • Right of access: you have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you.
  • Right to rectification: you have the right to correct data we hold about you that is incomplete or inaccurate.
  • Right to be forgotten: in some cases, you can request that the data we hold about you be deleted from our records.
  • Right to restriction of processing: where certain conditions apply for you to have a right to restriction of the processing.
  • Right to object: you have the right to object to certain types of processing.
  • Right to object to automated processing, including profiling: you also have the right to object to automated processing or profiling (if any).
  • Right of control: in the event that the company refuses to satisfy any of your requests based on the above rights you have, you will receive a reasoned response. You have the right to complain as highlighted below.


To exercise your above rights as well as to remove you from the list of the newsletter service, you should contact us by sending a relevant message to our postal or electronic address. To facilitate the exercise of your rights, the company has a special form that is available to you upon request and in which you should clearly state your identification and contact details as well as the content of your exercised right. We also inform you that the company, according to the current legal framework, is obliged to confirm the identity and possibly request more information in order to respond to your request. All the above requests will be forwarded once a third party is involved in the processing of your personal data.

The right to the protection of personal data, as well as the above rights deriving from it, are not absolute and must be considered and weighed, in accordance with the principle of proportionality, with other fundamental rights.


At your request, the company can confirm what information we hold about you and how it is processed. Since the company keeps personal data about you, you can request the following information:

  • Identity and contact details of the controller who has decided how and why to process your data.
  • The purpose of the processing as well as the legal basis for the processing.
  • The categories of personal data collected, stored and processed.
  • The recipient or categories of recipients to whom the data was/will be made available.
  • If and when we transfer personal data to a third country or international organisation, information on how we ensure that this is done securely. The EU has approved the sending of personal data to some countries because they meet a minimum level of data protection. In other cases, we ensure that special measures are in place to secure your information.
  •  The length of time for which your data will be stored.
  • Details of your rights to correct, delete, restrict or object to certain processing.
  • Information about your right to withdraw your consent at any time.     
  • How to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority.
  • If the provision of personnel data haracter is a legal or contractual requirement, as well as whether you are obliged to provide the personal data and the possible consequences of failure to provide such data.
  • The source of the personal data if it was not collected directly from you.
  • Any details and information of automated decision-making, such as profiling and the significance and expected consequences of such processing (if and when it actually takes place).

To submit a request by email or post please use the contact details provided above.


If you have a complaint and/or request about our use of your information, you can contact us using the contact details above.

If your request is not met, you have the right to file a complaint with the Greek Personal Data Protection Authority ( Kifisias 1-3, P.O. 115 23, Athens, Call Center: +30 210 6475600, Fax: +30 210 6475628, email: [email protected], [email protected]. For more information visit the website:,211532&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL


We make every effort to continuously improve our services and our processes, as well as protect your rights regarding your personal data. Therefore, we may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We, therefore, recommend that you review this statement on a regular basis. The company will inform you about important modifications to this and the date of the last modification will be written on it.

Date of last update: 01/2024