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Denias Living

Terms and Conditions


These terms and conditions (including the privacy policy), as amended from time to time, apply when you enter our website – regardless of the technological means through which you access it – and/or use material from our websites. By accessing this website, you are deemed to have read these terms of use and unconditionally accept them, waiving any claim that may arise from your visit to this website. Please read these Terms carefully. If you do not agree to all of the terms set forth herein, do not use this website.


Our company operates in the field of tourism businesses. Our many years of experience and highly trained staff give us the opportunity and pleasure to serve you in the best possible way, taking into account your needs and requirements. recommends our online website, which we created respecting our customers and following the evolution of technology to make your purchases even easier and to inform you based on your wishes.

The administrator of the website is the company e-milles creations. The design, construction and hosting of the website is provided by the company e-milles creations, which is based in Greece and has privately owned Servers in Date Centers located in Athens, Patras, Frankfurt, Dublin, California, New Jersey, Chicago & Dallas , which are used according to the needs of its customers.


The use of this website by each user is at his sole responsibility. The content of this website does not constitute and cannot under any circumstances be interpreted as providing advice, directly or indirectly urging users to take any action. The evaluation of the content of this website is at the discretion of each user, who also assumes responsibility for the use of any part of it. The user is prohibited from sending or transmitting via illegal material. Material that violates the rights of third parties and/or is false, inaccurate, threatening, abusive, insulting, violent, defamatory or incites criminal acts is considered as such. Users are also prohibited from harming minors in any way, forging or otherwise altering the identifiers of user-members with the purpose of misrepresenting the origin of content transmitted through, posting, publishing, sending or using any other means for the installation of any unsolicited advertising or other content related to the promotion of products or services or third-party websites, the sending of unsolicited and unsolicited e-mails by the recipient and any other promotion of unsolicited content. Harassing third parties in any way is prohibited. By using this website you agree and undertake that you will not compromise the security of this website and that you will not prevent any user from accessing this website.

Indicatively, you may not misuse this website by knowingly transmitting viruses, trojan horses, computer worms and other malicious and/or harmful software. You may not attempt unauthorized access to this website and its server, or any other server, computer and database connected to our website. You further undertake not to attack the website through a denial of service or through a pervasive denial of service. Use of this website for illegal purposes entails civil and criminal penalties. By using this website, you agree and accept that and our company bear no responsibility for material with the above characteristics, which comes from third parties and is hosted on the website, while in no case can it be considered that the House embraces or accepts such content. You further agree and accept that by using the services you may be exposed to content that is offensive, immoral or illegal.

In the event that the company is notified that any content causes harm to a third party, it reserves the right to immediately delete this content and at the same time to suspend the operation of the user's account, who violates the terms herein. The company declares that it will cooperate with any police or judicial authority, so that the identity of anyone is revealede user posts or transmits similar material or information. As users, you undertake that the information you will submit to is complete, correct and accurate, that you comply with the rules of Greek and European Legislation, that you refrain from any illegal and unethical use of and that you do not you infringe any rights of third parties. In the event that a user causes technical damage to the website or the systems that transmit the website to users, he is responsible for any damage resulting from said damage and undertakes any cost to repair the damage. Also, the user of understands and accepts that he retains the sole responsibility to indemnify and its partners for any legal dispute arising between him and third parties due to the content he makes available for posting, publication or other transmission through of services and in general in case of any violation of these terms of use.

By using this website and placing an order through it, you additionally undertake:

– Use the website only to submit legitimate inquiries or orders.

– Do not make false orders. If we reasonably believe that such an order has been submitted we have the right to cancel it and inform the relevant authorities.

– Provide us with correct and accurate contact information. By doing so, you agree that we may use this information to contact you should this become necessary. If you do not provide us with all the information we need, we may not be able to complete your order.

– By placing an order through the website, you warrant that you are at least 18 years of age and have the legal capacity to enter into binding contracts.


Although we make every effort to provide the best possible use of our website, we cannot confirm or guarantee that all information is accurate, complete or correct, nor can we be held responsible for any errors (including obvious and typographical errors), the which cannot be foreseen or have occurred unintentionally or outages of this website due to force majeure. is not responsible for inaccurate, misleading information or for the non-distribution of information, for defective products and/or untrue information, regarding the goods to be made available and contained on this website.


If you use the communication features provided by this website to provide information other than personal data, such as for example suggestions about the website or ideas for advertising and products and any other relevant information, the information, suggestions, and ideas become the property of with your express consent and can be used/exploited by our company in any way (e.g. reproduction, modification, communication to third parties, etc.) for commercial or non-commercial purposes, waiving any right to such information, suggestions and ideas voluntarily provided by you as well as from any right to compensation for the use of such material by


The user understands and accepts that reserves the exclusive right, without any prior notice, to terminate the use of passwords to its services and/or to cease making its content available to users that it believes have violated the letter and the spirit of these terms of use. Our company bears no obligation towards anyone for the above interruption or for any claim related to the above interruption.


We are in no way responsible for your communication with the third-party service providers that may be advertised on this website and for any commercial transaction that may arise from your relationship.


Our company is not responsible for any form of damage suffered by the user of the pages, services, options, and contents of, which he does on his own initiative and responsibility (e.g. indicative but not limited damage due to illegal acts of third parties such as interception or decryption of codes and data, spreading of viruses during use of the website or reproduction (download) of elements of its content, in problems that may occur during the use of computers (e.g. loss of data, etc.) ) is used as is, without warranty expressed or implied and subject to availability his makes reasonable efforts to maintain and make its content available. Nevertheless, users accept that has the right to modify or discontinue temporarily or permanently all or part of it even without notice to users, since availability may be affected by users' equipment, other communication networks, from the large number of people trying to use at the same time or from other causes. Therefore, bears no responsibility for any kind of damage (positive, consequential, negligent, intra-contractual, or otherwise) resulting from the inability of users to access it, the suspension of all or parts thereof, the delay, non-delivery, interruption, or poor quality of receiving its services or loss of their content, the existence of any kind of errors. In any case, reserves the right at any time to temporarily or permanently stop the operation of all or part of it for reasons of maintenance or upgrading or for any reason. does not guarantee that the pages, services, options, and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors, that this website will be secure, that errors will be corrected on this website, or that the server that makes available is free of viruses or other harmful elements. The cost of possible corrections or services is borne by the user and in no case by


In case you wish to permanently delete the account you created on our website, you should contact us by sending a relevant email to the email address [email protected]


Our company is committed to protecting the personal data of the users of the website and to complying with the relevant provisions on the protection of personal data as they apply. The collection and use of personal information in connection with your access to and use of our website is described in the Privacy Policy found here and forms an integral part of these terms of use.

LINKS TO OTHER SITES contains links to other websites. The interconnection of this website with other websites through links is made only for the convenience of users. These websites are not under the control of and therefore is not responsible for the availability, content, privacy policy, quality and completeness of their services. is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage to users, resulting from the use of the possibility of connecting to another website through links or from the use of data and information contained in any similar website. Therefore, for any problem that may arise during their use, the user must contact the respective websites and pages directly, which bear full responsibility (civil and criminal) for the security, legality, and validity of the content of their websites and the provision of their services excluding any liability of should in no way be considered to accept the content or services of these websites and the pages to which it refers or links to them in any way.


All the content of, including images, graphics, photographs, designs, texts, the services provided, and in general all the files of this website, except for the expressly mentioned exceptions (copyrights of third parties, partners, and entities), are intellectual property and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions and treaties. The other products or services mentioned on the online pages of this website and bearing the marks of the respective organizations, companies, partner bodies, associations, or publications, are their own intellectual property and therefore these bodies bear the relevant responsibility. It is prohibited to copy, distribute, modify, alter, compile, configure, reproduce, distribute, transfer, sell, republish, or send data to another computer (upload) in any way of any information (as a whole, in part, or in summary) provided on the website this site in any way or means, including posting them on the Internet or making the information available on the Internet in any other way without the prior written permission of the administrator.

Last update: 01/2024